Friday 30 October 2009


Some people are not born to be a leader. That’s all I can say. Feeling so pissed off right now I could kill someone.

So not in the mood to document this but what the heck. You see this boss of ours in the office, well he is acting actually since the incumbent left more than 6 months ago. But now there seems to be someone new taking over, but not official yet. So this so called acting boss didn't want to sign my application for virtual office. A little bit on this, BSP just launched our very own virtual office. It is what it is. Office away from the office so to speak. You don’t have to come to work every day but just come to the virtual office since we have all the computers, and network to stay connected with our colleagues in Seria. Its cool isn’t it. So I apply for it. Since I’ve been traveling to Seria for the past 10 years or so. I know this will ease a lot of my burden. Reduce my risks on the road every day and I would have some quality of life in the end. But this boss didn’t feel he has the right to sign off my application since he is no longer “the boss”. He said he needed to check with the Manager first. But hey… you are who you are until its official. And he said he didn’t want to be in trouble. For what? For allowing me to work there whereas its already in the system and approved by top management and even advertised on line? Its just formality, for heaven's sake. WTF man????? I feel you don’t deserve to be there and lead people. You lack integrity, compassion and empathy to be a good leader. That’s what you are. And you might as well go where you come from.

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