Wednesday 14 October 2009

Breast Cancer: Early Detection Saves Lives

Went to BSP Breast cancer awareness day yesterday. The event took one whole day. In the morning, we had the launching ceremony by BSP TD (our first TD lady). Then we had talks about keeping healthy by Dr Hjh Roslin from MOH. It was a good talk, covered all aspect of health, body and mind. Then we had a Q& A with some other health officers and cancer survivor.

Then in the afternoon we had a demonstration on how to do self examination (BSE). I think this was the highlight of the whole event. Very good information on how to detect cancer or lump early. Esp for those who didn’t know the importance of knowing your own body and to notice any new changes to the breasts. I know some people are just purely ignorant and thats the sad part. Or even shy and ashamed to go to the doctors to check on their own breasts. Or come too late when the cancer already at a later stage or spreading.

And then we had talks about real life experience from two BSP employee cancer survivors. They both emotionally recalled the incidents, those times they found out about the lump, the cancer, how they deal with it and how they moved on and picked up the pieces. It touched my heart to the core, on how difficult and hard life it must be for them. How to handle the emotions, and how to deal with kids, family and friends and even work. Very humbling and I felt so remorse.

One thing that struck me was the fact that cancer doesn’t care who you are. No matter how rich or high ranked you are, if cancer wants to come and get you, it will. These two ladies has NO family history of cancer. They are the first in the family, so no family history doesn’t mean it wont get to you.

The 2nd speaker hit me the most. She has no biological children but she adopted 3 so far. She found out about her cancer when she was trying IVF. After being diagnosed she was advised not to pursue ivf or even conceive due to the chemo drugs and all. So there goes her desire to have a biological children.

So sad. And very strong and tough lady too. I wonder if I have similar determination, courage and willpower. She moved on and faced cancer in the face. In a way, what she did was definitely the way to go. There is no point in sitting back and feeling sorry for yourselves. It wont go away by just crying, moaning and giving up. As what they said, don’t let cancer control your life. You have to take control. And fight. She did look happy and content with what life has given her so I know she is doing ok.

Sometimes life has its own way of making things to work out. No matter how hard life seems to be, it will turn out well in the end. That’s what I notice all this time. So what we need to do is just to hang in there. And pray Allah will show the way.

Thats my way of coping at the moment. I have my moments of sorrow, I may feel sad, depressed or upset but I try my hardest to look back to all the beautiful things in life. Things that I have and make full use of them, not the things that I dont have. And not to dwell too much on the bad things. I want to smile more and search that serenity and peacefulness in my deepest heart. I know I can succeed if I want to.

I watched Oprah last night. Its about spiritual well being and they talked about being content with life. There was this lady who cried on tv, and complained life has treated her so badly. She lost her business and feel she has no hope in life. She kept on saying she didn’t have anything in this world anymore. But Oprah and her guests asked her to look at other positive things in her life. And not to focus on all the negativities all the time. She can start by thinking about the air she breathes every second. She has that! She can think about the way she wakes up fully dressed and breathing every morning. She still have all those too. Oh My! How true is that???.

So stop complaining people! At least we all have our health and not dying of cancer, or anything else for that matter. We are not crippled. We have enough to eat as opposed to so many others who don’t in the world. And live in a safe and peaceful country as opposed to those living in the wartorn places.

Think about it.

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