Sunday 23 January 2011

The Movie - Khurafat

Hubby took me to watch this movie.  He said he saw the review and felt like he wanted to watch it.  I was sceptical.  It is a malay horror movie.  As usual, not my first choice, although I've seen some good reviews from the internet, but still I was a bit sceptical.  And we had some bad malay movie experience in the past.  Things like most movies were so tense,  so dark and the ghosts looked so fake hehe.  The music were so loud and the suspense were too much too bear.  On one ocassion, I felt so breathless with all the tense, I didnt feel like seeing any malay horror movies ever again!

Not a big fan actually.  And when was the last time we watched a malay movie?  Almost 2 years ago, hehehehe.  We were very selective on what malay movie to watch, and we only went if it has a good review from the public.  The last movie was Papadom which I loved so much....

And now this?  Ok.. we got to go and see it and hoped we will not be dissapointed.  Only hubby and I this time since we knew Ayang would not be interested to watch.  We arrived at Qlap Mall at around 10.30am (the only cinema that showed the movie) and we opted for 11am time slot.  We thought we were the only people there but there were about 15 others?  So that looked promising enough.

Now the review, the bad points first!  As any typical malay horror movies we watched so far, the whole length of the movie were very tense with pounded sounds and music every time the paranormal appeared.  Not for the faint hearted or those having heart problem.  They may drop dead right there and then with all the suspense!  There seemed to be no light moments, well.. maybe a little but I wish there could be more to give some breathers to the audience.  So what I suggest to the movie director/producer - Syamsul Yusof. Do more homework and research.  While its good to add any element of suspense in the movie, you should give the audience a break!  There should be more light moments added.  More humour or light hearted conversation or sceneries should be added so the audience would be able to enjoy the movie  more.

But I just love the story line!  You need to watch and focus on the movie right to the end. You wouldnt want to miss the plot otherwise you wont understand whats going on.  The movie started off rather shaky, its not straight forward and seemed complicated.  It was hard to link one scene to the other.  But your questions will be answered at the end of the movie and you will be able to piece together and finish the puzzles.  Thats what the movie is all about.  Interesting.  Its about this young man named Johan who left his social girlfriend and married a good girl.  He was a social and a party freak before too but he wanted to change and be a good person. He left the girlfriend and marry another but then their lives were disturbed by mysterious appearance of some ghosts. And at the same time the ex-girlfriend couldnt him go and bothered him all the time, day and night.  At this moment, you will feel the hate for the girl, and wish she just let him go.  And at this moment also, you just thought Johan was a good person but how wrong you were when you came to the end of the story.  It was so twisted..

Then the ex-girlfriend committed suicide and this was when the revelation came about.  You will know that Johan made a pact with a devil before.  During the flashback, we came to know that Johan had practice a black magic trying to win the dead girlfriend who didnt like him at all at first.  When he performed the black magic on her, the girlfriend was hooked and went crazy for him but he he left her and marry his wife instead.  No wonder she was so crazy for him!  In the pact with the devil (and a bomoh), the agreement was he shouldnt left her and he must looked after her, otherwise the whole pact will become his worst enemy and he would be in great danger.  And this is where all it came together.  He had dishonour his agreement with the devil and his happy life was disrupted.

And I just love the end of the movie!  Interesting way of ending the story.  Its like you thought of one thing but it was another thing.  Again, twisted and I didnt expect to see that in a malay movie.  So well done!

A good try by the new director.  I dont mind recommend this movie to anyone.  Its like a breath of fresh air to the malay movie.  Its just more improvements could be done on the presentation and make it more smooth and not too tense.

My score - 6/10

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