Friday 13 August 2010

Ramadan Posting

First day of Ramadan went well. Alhamdulilah, the month is finally here, this is a blissful time. I am hoping to find that inner peace. Ramadan is a time for self-examination and increased religious devotion. Ramadan is all about redemption, good deeds and re-evaluation of all our lives and mostly refrained ourselves from all other indulgence.

Whats my plan for this month of Ramadan?
  • Try to be extra kind to everyone. Not that I am a rude person, see the word “extra”?
  • Want to join hubby for Terawih, if I can afford to, but I will try my best. After sungkai is such a malas time for me, maybe because of the hassle of the whole day, that should involved the preparation for sungkai and too much eating, so I plan to eat a little then join hubby for Terawih, Insya Allah.
  • Will make donations as much as I can, doesn’t matter where, how much or when. Hubby is such a firm believer in donations or Sedakah. He knows all the good that come with it, he told me, the more you donate, the more Allah will reply you back. Insya Allah, to that too.
  • To do lots of Doa. To seek forgiveness from Allah SWT, to pray we are to be given good health to perform our duties and will be able to see next Ramadan.
  • No more ordering of Raya cakes, biscuits, kacang or what ever. Its just not worth it, to spend so much money on these and at the end they were not even eaten. What a waste of money. I am planning to bake my own cake and cook my own food for Raya this year. I may buy little bits and pieces here and there but no more that extravagant of buying fancy cakes or biscuits.
Note on 1st day:

We had uneventful day, spent resting at home and off to my parents for breaking of the fast. It is a tradition in the family to spend the first day with them, and my mom did most of the cooking. Which I took pity on, I know she was older and a bit frail (compared to previous years when she was younger and enjoyed cooking more), but I know how my mom is. Tradition is tradition, she is going to do it no matter how tiring she would become. Even more so tiring, when they don’t have a maid anymore so she has to do everything on her own. I actually didn’t want her to do anything anymore, afterall the children are all adult and have family of their own. But she insisted on doing this. I know how parents are feeling towards her children. So we let her.

Alhamdulilah, so far all went well.

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