Monday 28 June 2010

Knight & Day Movie & Rant about the Qlap Mall Cineplex

We went to see Knight and Day movie at Qlap Mall Cineplex yesterday. It was our first time there. Our favourite cinema is The Empire Cineplex actually and we watched most movies over there. But they don’t show Knight and Day at the Empire, only at The Mall and Qlap Mall. We found out earlier in the day, there were some sort of exhibitions at The Mall so we assumed there gonna be crowds and its not very tempting to brave that. So we opted to go to Qlap Mall. And this would be our first time going there.

Not sure what to expect. Firstly we were disappointed when they didn’t allow to book seats by phone. Unlike The Empire or even The Mall. Wonder why? So we tried to go early so we could get good seats. We enquired again why we cannot book via phone. No logical answers were given, as usual, these people were lack of compassion, no knowledge whatsoever and very very unprofessional. They couldn’t even answer simple questions. And I tell you one more thing, Qlap Mall was like a ghost town. Most lots were vacant, even the supermarket was closed now. What the heck? Bankcrupt due to no customers I presumed? Very few people wondering around although there were about 20 people watching the movie with us. I wonder how long these so called establishments will survive on this rate. Such a pitiful place.

Back to the movie and cinema. The cinema was ok, the chairs were quite comfortable, its reclining which made it comfy. With slots for drinks, another plus. But it was really quiet before the movie started, no music to fill the void and its strange.

The movie was ok but a bit violent to my liking. I liked both actors though – Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz were brilliant. They are good actors anyway, who didn’t know Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz? And they do share good chemistry in this movie. Cruise is self assured and Diaz is skittish which made the duo so cute together. Especially Diaz - she rocked the show! Haha…. Love her! It’s a romantic action comedy which suits us just fine. My daughter and I loves romantic movie, hubby loves comedy and we could see some good prospect there. The movie is about this woman (Diaz) who was caught between a convert agent and those he claimed set him up. And their adventure becomes so tangle and it becomes a maze of double crossed, change identities and so on. You have to have a good grasp of the movie to understand the whole plot. It was ok for us, we got plenty of laughs and we enjoyed the movie. Hubby and I gave it 7 / 10. Hubby is difficult to please movie wise, so if he gave 7 out of 10 then I considered that good indeed lol. So all I can say, it’s a watchable movie, so go ahead watch it. ;-)

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