Thursday 17 September 2009

Tips for travelling safely

Good to have this in mind when travelling. Security analysts Robert Siciliano and Mike Brooks offer some tips to keep in mind while traveling.

* Never accept transportation from a person who first approaches you at the airport, grabs your bags and says they have a car waiting. If you want car service, arrange it in advance.

* If you rent a car, never stop for anyone who's not wearing a uniform. A common trick among criminals along the roadside is to lure unsuspecting drivers to pull over by faking a flat tire. Don't fall for this tactic!

* Always try to get a room on floors 2-8. A room on the ground floor will be more easily accessible to criminals from the outside.

* Do your research and emulate locals and how they dress. Blending in makes you less of a target than if you announce your home country by wearing your country's flag or national colors.

* Trust your instincts and don't venture through side streets. If you stick to the well-traveled streets, you'll be less likely to have anyone approach you with a gun or a knife, the experts say.

* Leave the fancy jewelry at home. And carry your wallet in your front pocket, or better yet, get a money belt or a passport holder/wallet you can wear around your neck.

* Clean out your wallet before you leave home, Brooks says. Don't carry any more credit cards than you need. Make sure you leave your Social Security card behind.

* Try to stay away from budget hotels as they are usually not in the best of areas. When you get to your hotel, keep an eye on people in the lobby and note how far your room is from a stairway. If there is a fire, Brooks says, you can't take the elevators and you need to know the quickest way out.

* If you ride on a bus, stand near the bus driver or near an exit. If you find a seat, sit with your back to the side of the bus so you can see people in the front and back of the bus.

* Never go with someone you just met to their hotel room or invite them to yours, says Brooks. Also if they want to give you a ride to another hotel or bar, get your own cab.

* If someone orders you or tries to force you into a car, you must do whatever you can to stay out of that vehicle.

* Make eye contact with people, Siciliano says. Don't stare but use a "stern gaze" to acknowledge people around you. Criminals count on the element of surprise and will seek other victims if they know you have checked them out.

* If you wear glasses, bring an extra pair, Brooks says. If they're broken in another country, getting a new prescription could be difficult and you want to be as alert as possible to your surroundings.

So there you go...

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