Monday 5 July 2010

Brain Freeze

Does it ever occur to you when you are just not in the mood to write? Even when you tried, the words didn’t come out? Thats where I am at the moment. I just don’t feel like writing, not that we didn’t do anything for the past few days, in fact there were alot been going on.

See if I can remember what we have done.

We tried this restaurant in town called Mama Mia Pizzaria (or something like that!), I forgot the exact name. We dropped by after we went to see The Knight and Day movie so its a bit out of date already. Hubby loved the pizza but not so for me. So I am not sure if I want to go there again. We might though if hubby insists, and I usually never say no to food, lol.

We had a steam boat dinner at Lambak with the whole family on Saturday. My mom wanted to try out her new steam boat cooker, (new as my gift on her birthday last week hehehe). We dont usually go out of our way with steam boat, not our favourite but try it out nevetheless. It was ok, everyone enjoyed the simple seafood dishes. As usual noisy bunch of people, my family. Didnt realise my family is growing, I have 8 nieces and nephews now, and one on the way. So its always nice to meet everyone ;-)

Breakfast as usual with parents and brother at Sumbangsih Mulia. So glad this week there was no Karaoke! Its been a torture to listen to all these so-called volunteer singers, not that I was being critical or anything but its just too much for me. I tried to be a good sport though but sometimes it was just way too much! Its loud we couldn’t even listen to our own voice. It would be more acceptable if its within reason (or limit) although those people who volunteered to sing were too much to be desired!

At work, we had a new HR on line system, where all HR matters are handled online, so its all paperless. Great piece of work from the HR dept, bravo! I support this since we need to think about those trees and environment.

The whole gang (my brothers & their families) including us plan our get together holidays at the end of the year. Our daughter was excited about this prospect. She always enjoyed being in the midst of families. We usually had a blast.

Oh Eclipe is on. Although we haven’t watched it yet. Our daughter was excited but we told her to hold on. The cinema was packed so we will wait until it die down a little.

Shopping is always in the part and parcel of our existence! Be it grocery or other things. Life is so exciting isn’t it?
On top of that, its work work and work. Its getting rather tiring but got to live with it.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to update this blog. Do I have so much time in my hands? Or I follow what everyone else is doing? Dont know. But one thing I am so sure of is that, I can always refer back to my own writing when I need to check on something that happened in my life. Its such a good place to record and remember all the special occasions, momentos or even bad experiences. And it comes with pictures too, which makes is great.

Have a good day, everyone!

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