Friday 27 November 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

To all Muslims around the world, Happy Eid ul-Adha.

As any other festivities, we are one day late. Brunei celebrates Eid ul-Adha on Saturday, way to late than in Makkah or Mina where they went to Ukuf on Thursday. Anyway, its going to be different for us this year. For donkey years we never celebrated Eid ul-Adha as much and intense as Eid Fitri except going to the Masjid to perform the Eid ul-Adha prayer and that was it. Even the whole of Brunei there were never any actual celebrations except maybe for those who have family performing the Hajj, they gather around the house and do thanksgiving ceremony with relatives. And of course who do the deeds of slaughtering the animals for Ibadah Korban will gather around the designated places to distribute the meat to the needy, friends or family. We don’t have all those this year but we intend to stretch it a bit further by doing an open house for family.

Its going to be Saturday night. My brother invited us for his own open house at lunch so we take the night spot. So its going to be fun for family to have two houses to feast on.

And I am going to cook these dishes

Black pepper beef
Chicken Kieve
Fish curry
Vege –still under negotiation with hubby lol
Fried Mussles
Macaroni cheese

And for dessert:
Curry puff (this one I bought)

I think that’s about it. And its going to be busy Saturday for me. I am looking forward to all the cooking although I am feeling so tired and beat these days. My shoulder is killing me and I have this dull feeling on top of my head for a long time.

And below is the pictures of Masjidil Haram in Makkah yesterday at Isyak prayers (curi from PDKM blog hehe). Look at all those people! Very beautiful and makes me miss Makkah so much. Labbai Qallah WalaLabbaiq...

1 comment:

Mommy_Dearest said...

Thanks for the info..