Monday 16 November 2009


OMG.. Have you seen this movie? What will happen in 2012? Mayan calendar predicted the world will come to an end on 21st Dec 2012 and that’s the whole story! I never seen so many destructions in one movie. I was so beat and tired after watching it. Gave me breathlessness and dizzy head with the magnitude of devastations and ruins this move has! I must say this is not exactly my kind of movie. I don’t usually go for it but hubby insisted we should go and watch it. With all the fuss this movie has I’ve decided to go for it for and witnessed the world went down lol. What a sad sad story. Although it has a happy ending for some people (which movie hasn’t?). But I have to admit I was pretty impressed with what the cameras and computers could do these days. The disaster seemed so real.

My girl was quiet for the whole duration, I kept on looking at her and asked her how she was doing. I was worried she might not enjoy the movie but she said she was ok. Maybe she was as overwhelmed as me but she usually didn’t say anything. For some reasons, a few people went in and out of the theatre throughout the duration of the movie. I wondered why? Was it they couldn’t stand the capacity of the sounds and camera tricks? I dunno. But this movie will make you tired for sure. Well it did for me, since its not my cup of tea. For those who used to watch violent movie, this may be just a piece of cake!

There were a lot of people in the cinema yesterday. Never seen as many people there for a while, I didn’t know why people were interested to see it. Good publicity? Or what? I even noticed very unfamiliar looking people there too. I mean those who never went to a cinema, the goody goody people, the aunties and uncles, if you know what I mean. Wasn’t that awesome? What this movie could do to attract viewers? Then something struck me. Was it because this movie is about end of the world? The world doomsday? And there was even emails flying around for a while about this? That’s yet to be proven and as a Muslim we do not know when that is although it sure will happen.

It was a long movie though. 2 ½ hrs in total, an epic adventure for the movie goers and I didn’t even realize the time. The movie started around 4pm and earlier hubby wanted to see the sunset after that and took some good photos but it finished way too late at around 6.30pm when it was aleady dark and raining lol. So scapped the idea and went for dinner at the Thai Restaurant instead.

Phew… what a Sunday.

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