Tuesday 24 November 2009

New Moon

Ok here is the deal. The second series of the Twilight series, New Moon is now on at the cinemas. And here I am contemplating whether to go and see the movie not? Shall I or shall I not? Guess what? It’s the hottest film this week, all around the world. And I am excited about this movie?? A teenage movie that is. I know it’s a movie for the younger generations and I feel I don’t really fit. I mean, whats up with the Vampire???!! And the story is about these two teenagers (one human and vampire the other) who fell in love. I don’t know what the New Moon have in the mix though but I am sure it will still be along the same line.

So I did this. I watched the first movie, “Twilight”. Not at the cinema since the movie was aired a year ago but on our living room. My girl urged me to watch the first movie first, that’s what I did, last Sunday night. I had a low expectation and I even prepared myself for a little dissapointments. So I just watched it merely to accompany her since the movie started at 10pm on our tv. But I kind of liked it. Its unique and different. I haven’t watched a vampire movie for a long long time, maybe since Brad Pitt became one, ages ago……. Doesn’t that show how old I am??? lol

Aahh.. Twilight.. At least I knew what to expect. I knew the scene will be dull and gloomy. The casts (the vampire especially) will be pale, white and ghoulish. I mean that’s how people did vampire movies right? and I was correct. But the storyline was kind of nice. How this girl was brave enough to confront her vampire friend and tried to find out as much as possible about this friend, until they fell in love. And I didn’t even know vampire don’t sleep or eat. There were also some elements of profound illogical aspect to it, like, since when do they sparkle in the sunlight? But its sure is interesting to watch and it could be fun to learn a little bit more about all these mystical creatures.

I have seen so many reviews about NM. Is it good or better then Twilight? It has good reviews so far, for those who were crazy about Twilight should definitely watch NM. But if you haven’t watched Twilight then maybe you shouldnt go and see NM. You may be at lost and suffer the consequences of living in the dark (no pun intended!) for the whole durations of the movie, so to speak.

So what about me? Should I be there amongst the youngsters and do all the oooooohhhhhh and Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh, lol, my girl thought Edward was cute though.

Now, if I want to be honest with myself, I would have to ask these questions. Am I a recently committed “Twilighter” who would definitely plunk down some cash to go and see the movie or maybe I am still sitting on the "Twilight" fence, unsure whether to go or not. Well still havent got the answer….

So should I watch Edward and Bella again? My girl is certainly interested.

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