Monday 25 October 2010

Leaked questions?

There was some commotions for the past few days on what happened during the GCE O level Chemistry exam in Brunei. I didn’t really know what was going on since I didn’t really pay any attention to it but from what I read on our local newspaper, some schools had the exam earlier than scheduled. And the students being a “loyal friends” after having the exam texted their friends and told them about the questions, but I am not so sure if its from the same school or not. Looked like the was a leaked questions on Chemistry and the whole country now know about it. I mean whats going on here? Whats up with the affected school? Didnt they know about the actual schedule from the MOE?

I’ve informed Ayang about it and she was really nervous about that, for the fact that they may have to resit the exam which is not so favourable at all. She said she did well on that paper and happy with what she did. And to resit is not really an option. What if things turned for the worst and its going to be a different set of questions? Its not fair for those students who did not cheat and tried their best.

For them it was such a long day.  They sat for 3 papers on that particular day.  And what was even unfortunate is that, in the afternoon, two papers clashed.  Both POA and Chemistry papers started at 2pm.  But MOE advised most schools to set Chemistry later after POA for those students taking both papers, therefore Chemistry after POA and Chemistry paper started later at around 4.30pm and finished at 6pm.  This included my daughter, she stayed at school until about 6.15pm when it was already dark. Its been a long day for her and I could see how tired she was.

I am not really sure what happened on the affected schools where the question leaked though.  But the most unfortunate thing will be if the rest of the students had to resit the exam.  Imagine what they have to go through.

We’ll have to wait and see what MOE going to do. There sure will be some sort of investigations and we really want for them to be open with what they found. And I hope they will consider those innocent students who did well and think of a reasonable and sensible course of action.

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