Tuesday 5 January 2010

The 2009 Chronicles

January – kicked off the new year with strange weather where it rained heavily most days. Experienced first ever flood at home. Very scary since this was the first time we ever encountered how fast the water was raising from the rain. We were lucky our home was spared from the flood but the neighbours home were all soaked up. The water rose just below our front porch steps and didn’t go into the house, we were so thankful for that, otherwise we would have to spend a lot to clean all the mess up and not to mention the damage to our precious furniture and carpets.

February – my birthday. Uneventful and the day passed like normal. My daughter took part in Brunei National Day celebrations. She had to go through vigorous rehersals every day leading up to the day. She was tired and hot most of the days since they had to rehersed outside under the sun. But she had a great time (and memories) when the actual days came since this is the first time she ever joined the march. They were borrowed nice jacket to wear, but they needed to return it which sucked a lot. She loved the jacket!

March – We were in the midst of changing our Amah. The current one left, end of her contract, although she wanted to stay but I am not in favor. Would prefer to take someone new. Pissed off with the first agent, what a crap. That woman was a crude, such a low life. And liar. The Amah we ordered didn’t come so we were really angry and upset with her. Luckily we found another agent which took care of everything and he promised the new Amah will arrive soon. While waiting for this Amah to arrive, we took temporary one for a week. Not worth to take her longer since she was too expensive. We ended up on our own for a few weeks. Our daughter was on her own and look after the house herself. Earth hour is this month too so on the actual day/night we participated by switching off all the light for an hour. Our small contribution to the earth we live in!

April – Our new Amah arrived the month. A girl of 18. Very inexperienced and had to be taught of everything. Before she arrived, I was really busy with house chores. Did most of it although hubby and my girl tried to help. Hubby bought a new camera this month and this is when the obsession started! We took lots and lots of good photos. He was really good at it, knew how to handle the camera. But me? Nahh… I have no idea whatsoever with things like ISO, Apurture, Shutters, blah blah..

May – Our daughter’s 15th birthday. We just had an intimate birthday lunch for her. She didn’t want any parties whatsoever, told us she was all grown up so just want to have the peace and quiet. I bought a new handbag which costs me more than BN300. The construction of our road, the new drains and rails have started. So hoping the flood will go away. Chris Allen won the American Idol.

June – We were on our holiday of a life time. In New Zealand for 3 weeks. The experience was out of this world. This was the best vacation ever. Never seen any place as beautiful as New Zealand and we sure will be back to this place. Spent the holidays with lots of visits, cinemas and skiing. The first time we ever saw snow on the ski slope. It was historical!!! Got home end of June and heard the news MJ passed away. Sad sad news and the world has lost someone so talented. My mom birthday for this month too. They were not at home as well but was in Mecca for Umrah.

July – H1N1 virus was in full swing. We were nervous and worried. The increase of cases in Brunei was overwhelmingly high. The highest in the world. Wondered why that happened. We tried our best to look after ourselves. We never left home without the sanitizers. This product was a hit in the stores. Every where it was out of stock. HM the Sultan 63rd birthday celebrations were also postponed because of this. This month also saw the wedding anniversary of my parents, their 43rd. Amazing that they have been married that long.

August – Hubby’s 45th birthday was on this month. Had a quiet birthday dinner at the Empire since it was the fasting month. This month also we encountered heavy haze in Brunei. But went away after a few weeks. We were thinking of painting our living room this month and contemplating on what colours to choose.

September – Painting of our living room was done. We choose orange! A feast for the eyes. Next new curtains. My dad’s birthday this month and we celebrated his birthday at Asma Hotel with sungkai buffet, my treats to all my 13 family members. Went to a few sungkai buffet all over the place for Ramadan. Raya celebrations with family. As usual went to visit relatives, and the most prominent was we went to visit my dad’s long lost half brother in KB. Met them for the first time ever including his children. We also celebrated BSP’s 80th anniversary at work. A big celebration attended by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei.

October – Bought our latest new car! Very excited and this machine is such a beauty. I love it! At work, I attended BSP Health Day, breast cancer saves life. An eye opener and a good 2 days seminar. Watched MJ This is It the movie this month and it was awesome.

November – Our daughter received her SSSRU certificate. Was very proud of her of her accomplishment. Tendered a new number for our new car. Tedious process. Held open house for family on Aidil Adha and it was a success.

December – Looking forward to a new year. Our daughter started her guitar lesson. She was excited and so was I. First year anniversary for our pet rabbit, Robbie. Went to KL for a short trip and celebrated the new year over there. This month we also celebrated Muslim New Year, Hijrah 1431 with prayers and Do’a. Alhamdulilah.

Now we are looking forward to another fun and exciting year.

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