Wednesday 29 February 2012

My new toy

I used to be not so savvy person in terms of electronic gadget and tried my best not to be too tempted to buy any new products in the market.  I said USED to be.  But of lately, I cant seem to control and surpress my own desire to own these products.  I failed!!!

Well.. after my galaxy tab, then my HTC Smartphone, and now I just bought a new laptop, Sony Vaio S Series. Thats alot of gadget all within one year.  And the Vaio is m first ever laptop!  First ever...  I never own a laptop before except a desktop.  But now I am the proud owner of this lovely chic.  I called her my BFF, hahaha.  Its white and slim and I am beginning to spend so much time with it lately.  How could that be possible.  At my age? 

But so far I love it.

Is it she beautiful

My Sony Vaio while still at the shop


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