Monday 30 May 2011

Double Wedding

Busy weekend. We’ve been in and out of the house all day and night. Obviously this was the only time where we could go for an outings, being at work on most working days. We visited the Consumer Fair on Saturday then we went for a Thanksgiving ceremony at one of my cousin’s. On Sunday we went to another cousin’s daughters’ wedding. This wedding was unique, since there were 2 daughters who got married and had a shared reception. I love the stage (pelamin), its so lovely. And the girls were beautiful too. Both grooms (who were not related apparently) came at the same time which made the bersanding a success! Imagine one groom was late, it wont look nice leaving one bride on stage waiting for the groom lol.

Some pictures we took from our seat on the wedding day.  Not very clear since I was so lazy to get up and approach the stage.

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