Friday 17 September 2010

Raya is over, well.. Almost and its exam time.

Today is the last day of the week before the normal routine starts again. Well.. Raya is not exactly over, we still have a few open houses/offices to go to throughout Shawal but children will go back to school next week after the school/Raya holiday!  And I am SO not looking forward to that, not because I don’t want children to go back to school but more to the conditions on the road. It was such a blissful journey everyday when it was school holidays, traffic jams were at a very minimum, the roads were clear and we can reach the office in about 1 hour. Come school time, we must add at least 15 minutes to the journey. Headache!

And its exam time for most children too, including our daughter. She will have her O level exam in less than a month. The exam will take about one month and she will be done with it sometimes in November. It is rather a long exam but I am hoping she will be able to cope. The good thing is that she doesn’t have to deal with the exam every single day. Which I think is ok to give her ample time to do some revision in between.

Thats a big deal. I am so worried but I try to portray a brave face infront of her. I don’t want her to get worried if I worry. Isnt it weird that when the kids have exam, its the parents who are worried sick? Hahaha.. She is my only hope and I want her to be successful in all her life endeavours. Very important. I know she wants it as well. She even dreams of studying overseas and get good result. Thats every mothers dream also. To see the children successful in their lives. My colleague is now in the UK sending her (not one) but two girls for further study. She is one of the fortunate mothers, her kids are so brilliant, always obtain very good results in every exam. Even managed to grap 2 government scholarships, impressive!

I am hoping the same for my daughter. And she is working very hard especially when she was advised by the teachers not to celebrate Hari Raya too much and never forget to study. And I can see that she is doing exactly that. Afterall, this is a very important exam, an exam which will open up a career path for her. Everyone knows the first try is very important and she must nail it right there and then. And I am hoping and praying she will get through this exam with flying colours.  Amin.

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