Monday 25 March 2013

Movie - Warm Bodies

Sunday afternoon was movie day for my daughter and I.  Well she saw the movie last week with her friends and insisted I should see it as well lol.  Besides she mentioned that I havent been to Time Square cinema which according to her was really pretty with nice ambience.  Ok then.. here we went!

But I must say first hand that I just hate! hate! crowds.  Time Square was buzzing and finding a parking space was torture.  After a few rounds we moved away from the main building and looked further away and we found a tiny spot just nice enough for my daughter's tiny car lol.

Back to the movie.  Well.. first of all, its a Zombie movie! I didnt mind when my daughter mentioned that.  Sometimes I do enjoy horror movie with lots of twists and turns.  A grey and gloomy surrounding, depressing in certain areas but this movie was ok.  The actors were cute and they formed a cute couple.  My daughter liked the actress alot (2nd time for her to watch!) since she looks very much like Kristen Stewart (her fav actress...) but with blond hair... I liked the movie even better when most songs played in the movie were from my era hahaha.  The oldies were the best!!!

First the snyposis I stole from the internet :) -

After a zombie epidemic, R (a highly unusual zombie) encounters Julie (a human survivor), and rescues her from a zombie attack. Julie sees that R is different from the other zombies, and as the two form a special relationship in their struggle for survival, R becomes increasingly more human - setting off an exciting, romantic, and often comical chain of events that begins to transform the other zombies and maybe even the whole lifeless world.

Well.. I think I liked it :)  A bit unusual and different from any zombie movies that I've seen.  A good balance of violent, humour and romance so its a good watch. Although I guess not everyone like the same movie but I would recommend watching it.

Shall I give my rating?  lol... I give it 8/10. 

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