Monday 13 May 2013

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Out of the blue and since I had such a free weekend, I decided to bake some red velvet cupcakes!

I always love baking or cooking but I dont usually do it as often (esp baking)   But once in a while, I do bake and it always been a lovely feeling.  So I think I am gonna do it more often.  Or make a business out of it even.

Anyway, that special moment came and there... my red velvet cupcakes.  Yummy..

Let me share the recipe ok!

Cupcake recipe

Ingredient A

2 ½ cup Flour
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tea spoon baking powder
1 tea spoon bicarbonate soda

Ingredient B

2 cup Castor Sugar
2 eggs
1 tea spoon vanilla essence
1 tea spoon vinegar
1 table spoon red colouring
1 cup yogurt
2 ½ cup Corn Oil


Mix ingredient A and ayak 3 times
Beat sugar and egg then vanilla essence and beat again
Mix Ingredient B one by one
Then pour Ingredient A to the mixture
No need to blend the mixture, with spoon will do.
Pour the mixture into cups.
Bake for 15-20 minutes with temp of 180 degrees.
2 table spoon whip cream (its up to you on how smooth you want the cream, add more if you want)
1 tsp lemon juice

Whats a cupcake without cream cheese right?  Its a must! :)
Cream cheese frosting


250g cream cheese (I usually use Philadelphia cream cheese)
60g butter
1-2 cups of icing sugar


Mix cream cheese and butter
Then mix everything else.

I assure you this cupcakes are not too sweet at all.  I gave the cupcakes to a few families and friends and everybody said so!

The mixture

Before baking

Just baked

The finished product

Yummy and so lovely...

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